§ 7-02. Contents of final plats.  

Latest version.
  • 7-02.1.

    Title data. Name of subdivision, city, state, owner, north point, scale of drawing and number of sheets. If shown on more than one (1) sheet, matched lines shall clearly indicate where the several sheets join. A space three (3) inches high by five (5) inches long shall be provided with an inked border in the lower right-hand corner of the plat for the use of the approving authority. The names and titles of the city manager and the director of engineering shall be provided within the three-inch by five-inch space.


    Location map. Location of proposed subdivision by an insert map in the upper left-hand corner at a scale of not less than one (1) inch equals one thousand (1,000) feet indicating adjoining roads, their names and numbers, subdivisions and other landmarks.


    Boundary lines and names of adjacent owners. The boundaries of the subdivision showing the length of its courses and distances to one one-hundredth (0.01) of a foot and bearings to the nearest ten (10) seconds having been determined by an accurate survey thereof in the field, which shall close with error of closure not exceeding one (1) foot in ten thousand (10,000) feet. It shall also contain the names and locations of adjoining subdivisions and the names of the owners of adjoining parcels of land that may be subdivided.




    Engineer's certificate and title reference.


    The seal of the engineer shall be affixed to the plat and signed.


    Certificates signed by the surveyor or engineer, shall certify as to the correctness of the survey and plat, and compliance with this ordinance, and set forth the source of title of the owners of the land subdivided, and the place of record of the last instrument in the chain of title.


    When the subdivision consists of land acquired from more than one (1) source of title the outlines of the various tracts shall be indicated by dash-lines, and identification of the respective tracts shall be placed on the plat.


    Consent of owners. A statement to the effect that the subdivision as it appears on this plat is with the free consent and in accordance with the desires of the owners, proprietors and trustees, if any, which shall be signed by the owners, proprietors and trustees, if any, and shall be duly acknowledged before an officer authorized to take acknowledgment of deeds.


    Accurate layout. The accurate location and dimensions by bearings and distance with all curve data on all lots and street lines, right-of-way dedications, boundaries of all proposed or existing easements, parks, school sites or other public areas, the number and area of all building sites, all existing public and private streets, their names, numbers and widths, watercourses and their names, names of owners and their property lines, both within the boundary of the subdivision and adjoining said boundaries and minimum building setback lines shall be shown. The final plat shall contain a table showing the area in acres by use designation of all land within the subdivision.


    Dimensions. All dimensions shall be shown in feet and decimals of foot to the closest one-hundredth of a foot, all bearings in degrees, minutes and seconds to the nearest ten (10) seconds.


    Curve data. The data of all curves along the street frontages shall be shown in detail at the curve or in a curve data table containing the following: Degree of curvature, central deflection angle, radius, arc, tangent, chord, and chord bearings.


    Benchmarks. At least one (1) benchmark, related to the City of Newport News Benchmark System, shall be established on one (1) of the permanent boundary markers in every subdivision, and the elevation thereof shown on the final plat.


    Dedicated parcels. All parcels of land to be dedicated for public use or for the common use of property owners within the subdivision.


    Control data. The location and material of all permanent reference monuments and an accurate bearing and distance tie between not less than two (2) permanent monuments on the exterior boundary of the subdivision and permanent monuments at existing street intersections where required by the director of engineering.

    7.02-13. CBPA requirements. The final plat shall show a delineation of any Resource Protection Area ("RPA" and/or Resource Management Area ("RMA") if the property to be developed falls within an area regulated by the CBPA. It shall also include a note that states that the RPA will be retained as an undisturbed and vegetated one hundred (100) foot buffer not subject to development under Code section 37.1-51(b)(1), unless the development is a water dependent facility or redevelopment. If the area to be developed has a septic system, or other onside sewage treatment facility, the final plat shall include a note citing to Code section 33-91.1, indicating that there is a requirement for pump-out of the system every five (5) years and a one hundred (100) percent reserve drain field sites for onsite sewage treatment systems.

    (Ord. No. 7454-18)

(Ord. No. 7454-18)