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Code of Ordinances |
§ 45-2206. General performance standards of design and operation.
Any new non-residential building over the height of eighty (80) feet must provide a landscaped plaza or area at the street level equal to ten (10) percent of the lot area. Such area may be open to the sky, covered by the upper floors of the building, or covered by a bridge between the buildings or other structures, provided that such floor, bridge or structure leaves a minimum clearance of ten (10) feet in height and eight (8) feet in width at ground level.
Off-street surface parking lots having at least fifteen (15) parking spaces shall provide a landscaped buffer ten (10) feet in width around the perimeter of the paved area designated for automobile parking (except for access points to public streets, alleys or plazas).
Ground signs for buildings under eighty (80) feet in height shall provide five (5) square feet of landscaped ground area per square foot of sign area around the base of the sign.
Street furnishings such as street furniture, pavement, plant materials, planter spacing and lighting shall be in accordance with the Regional Business District Development Manual approved and adopted by city council.
Buffering provisions.
Any new development adjoining a building originally and historically used as a church shall provide a landscape buffer at least fifteen (15) feet wide along the common property line, and such landscape buffer shall extend the entire length of the said property line.
A twenty-foot wide landscape buffer shall be provided where a new non-residential use abuts an existing or approved residential use. However, no landscape buffer shall be required for a new building, structure, addition or site five thousand (5,000) square feet or less in gross floor area or site area.
Any new non-residential development adjoining an existing residential use or an approved residential development shall provide a landscape buffer at least thirty (30) feet wide if the proposed development includes a structure fifty (50) feet or higher in height. Such required landscape buffer shall be provided the entire length of common property line.
The landscape buffers required above may be reduced in size or width if the applicant adequately demonstrates that either:
The proposed development is similar in use, height and size with the use to be protected by the landscape buffer; and, the landscaping being provided in the reduced buffer will provide adequate screening to the adjoining use; or
The lot size, configuration, and orientation of the proposed development requires a smaller landscape buffer area; and, the landscaping being provided in the reduced buffer will provide adequate screening to the adjoining use.
The landscape buffers required in this article shall contain living plants (i.e., trees, shrubs, ground covers or grass), natural features (i.e., rock, stone, bark chips, wood shavings or land contouring) and/or structural features (i.e., walls, pedestrian walkways, night lighting, street furnishings), and shall be designed and provided in accordance with the criteria in the Regional Business District Development Manual approved and adopted by the city council.
Loading/unloading provisions.
Any required off-street loading shall be constructed to be an integral part of the site being served and no vehicle using the loading spaces may project into any public right-of-way.
Loading spaces may use the adjoining public right-of-way if the applicant sufficiently demonstrates (i) that no vehicle will project into any travel lane and (ii) that the use of the adjoining public right-of-way would create safer pedestrian and vehicular circulation on and off premises.
Off-street loading space shall not be accessed from Washington Avenue, West Avenue, or Huntington Avenue except when the applicant sufficiently demonstrates that no other safe and convenient alternative is available for the development.
Lighting provisions.
Freestanding lighting fixtures shall conform to the design and color as provided in the Regional Business District Development Manual.
Floodlighting utilized to highlight landscaping, building signs and/or distinctive architectural features of a building shall not produce glare or be directed to any off-site building or landscape feature.
Primary pedestrian ways and major building entrance(s) shall be illuminated with at least five-foot candles of illumination measured at the pavement surface.
All uses within the Regional Business District shall not produce excessive or unsafe noise, odors, glare, vibration, smoke, hazard or radiation, or waste.
All storage in the Regional Business District shall be enclosed within a building.
(Ord. No. 5028-97, § 1)
(Ord. No. 5028-97, § 1)