§ 10-01. Extent of detail required.
10-01.1. Plans, specifications and sheet size. Development plans shall consist of plans and specifications of all proposed utilities, drainage, sanitary sewers, and streets, and shall be shown on standard plan and profile sheets with an overall dimension of twenty-four (24) inches wide by thirty-six (36) inches long. Such development plans shall generally contain sufficient details and data to enable such improvements to be constructed therefrom.
10-01.2. Cover sheet. Where the development consists of two (2) or more sheets, a cover sheet shall be provided showing the entire subdivision and direction of drainage. The cover sheet shall be blocked to position the remaining sheets of the plans. The scale of the cover sheet shall be variable so that it will be possible to show the entire subdivision on a single cover sheet.
10-01.3. Street profiles. Profiles along the center of each street, with established grades indicated, shall be shown at a vertical scale of one (1) inch equals four (4) feet and a horizontal scale of one (1) inch equals forty (40) feet. All elevations shall be referenced to the City Benchmark System.
10-01.4. Sewer and water profiles. Profiles along the line of every sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and waterline are required. The percent of slope, invert elevations at all manholes, cleanouts, catch basins, inlets or other changes in line or grade together shall be shown. Such profiles shall show existing and proposed sewers and waterlines with proposed street and original ground profiles.
10-01.5. Lot grading. The development plans shall show the proposed grading for each lot including existing and proposed elevations at all corners of lots to ensure not less than one (1) percent grading.
10-01.6. As-builts. As-builts of all improvements are required and shall be certified as to its location by a professional engineer or certified land surveyor licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Such as-builts shall show plan, profiles, percent of slope top and invert elevation, lateral location by station, any offset of sanitary or storm sewers and the corner elevation of all lots. The as-builts shall be shown on twenty-four (24) inches wide by thirty-six (36) inches long on five-mil. reproductable [reproducible] mylar.